Joe Zabbs
2 min readAug 26, 2017

Africa Rise

The most under utilised asset in the entire world. The great African continent.

Born in South Africa but life schooled in Lagos Nigeria and well travelled all over the continent, the Africa puzzle perplexes me now on a daily basis.

The only continent still mostly untouched and free from the social norms which plague our Urban Lifestyles, but desperate to make its importance known to the world. Governed by mostly political parties whose minds are so rooted by their own greed and historical influences, miss the boat when it comes to serving their people.

In my travels around this beautiful continent all I see is vast amounts of agricultural land, highly intelligent and very resourceful people and an abundance of natural resources.

A continent with an oppertunity to beat the new “trend industries” at their own game. The three new industries which have the ability to change the world forever. Green Energy, Green Pharma and the Internet.

In all the industries listed above the people of the world have pushed back the old norms asked courts and economies new questions and their logic has concluded that new solutions to old problems have worked and in all cases out performed their dinosaur counterparts.

Dear African leaders look at theses industries and adopt them before we find ourselves in a situation of hiring the world to fix our problems when the technology we import breaks down, before we spend more tax payers capital on outdated industries lets lead the world for the first time. Lets have the cleanest energy and the most medical strains of natural remedies, lets use the internet to bring us together rather than using it as a tool to seperate.

The world is looking at companies like Tesla and marveling at what they’ve created. Why dont we reform our tax policies and get the market stimulated to develop our own eletric cars, trucks and trains. Let Africa keep Africa’s own equity and stop the world benefitting from our resources instead of letting world powers pillage them. Re-invest in our own work forces (who majority are unemployed and desperate). Give Africa the chance to become the Green Pharma world leader, Africa has land, water and sun.

Why with all the freedoms that we’ve fought for are we still reduced to being last to lead and first to follow.

Please pass this around to all your networks and let our voices be heard. Unite Africa and let the sun rise for the Green Continent The Africa Report

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